Mini Band Strength Exercises For Runners with Videos

Mini band exercises should be a staple for every runner. I have patients and athletes use it for muscle activation exercises as well as strength. Muscle activation is often referred to as neuromuscular re-education and means we are building that connection between the brain and specific muscle groups, hence, they are engaged when they need to during activity. Strength refers to improving efficiency in the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which helps any distance runner in building a robust foundation.

Squat Jumps

  • Frequency: 4 x 12 reps

  • How to: Place band around knees. Rip the band apart with your knees as you descend, squeeze your butt as you push off the ground. The weight should be on the ball of your foot as you push off and land on the ground.

Lateral Skater Jumps

  • Frequency: 4 x 30 seconds 

  • Place band around knees. Get into a standing fire hydrant position and jump sideways. Try not to let your knees collapse inward or have your trunk lean sideways. Focus on good form first, then progress to jumping for distance, and finally adding speed.

Banded Hip thrusts

  • Frequency: 4 x 15-20 reps

  • How to: Place the band around knees, spread feet apart to create tension. Maintain tension on the band as you drop your hips to the floor. Squeeze your glutes as you thrust your hips off the ground. Can progress to single-leg hip thrusts.


Spine Mobility for Runners with Videos


Pre-Run Mini Band Activation Routine with Videos