Strength & Conditioning
In order to run longer and faster, you have to run stronger.
Run Resiliently.
During running, 2-3x body weight is placed on the body with each step. When the muscles and tendons are strong, it’s more durable and unlikely to breakdown under stressful loads. As a physical therapist who understands how to treat running injuries, I am confident my programs can guide you towards becoming a resilient runner.
Virtual Options:
Beginner 16 week Strength (Home)- $145
Designed for beginner marathoners new to strength training. Ideal for someone who is newer to lifting and/or does not do it on a consistent basis (meaning 2 times a week throughout the year). The program requires minimal equipment and designed for you to do at HOME!
Program Includes:
-TrainHeroic App access
-Video demos for all exercises
-2 strength workouts/week (30-40 minutes in length)
-2 mobility programs a week to optimize recovery
Equipment: (Amazon Links)
A set of dumb bells, Perform Better Mini bands, power bands, box for step ups, kettlebell
Advanced 16 week Strength (Gym)- $175
Designed for experienced marathoners who strength train on a regular basis, but want a structured program to prevent injury and optimize performance. Ideal for runners who are familiar with lifting technique and have gym access or a wide variety of equipment at home.
Program Includes:
- TrainHeroic App access
- Video demos for all exercises
-2 strength workouts/week (45 minutes in length)
-2 mobility programs a week to optimize recovery
-1 Stability/prehab routine (25 minutes)
Equipment: (Amazon Links)
Hex Bar, Barbell, Plates, Plyometric Box, Dumb Bells, Kettlebells, Perform Better Mini Bands, Power bands, stability ball, Mobo Board (optional)
12 week Trail Strength- $125
Designed for beginner -intermediate runners wanting to improve their strength, durability, and performance on varying trail terrain. The program focuses on full body strength, prehab exercises to help you build strong hips and ankles, and eccentric exercises to prep your lower body muscles to handle the demands of vertical gain!
Program Includes:
- TrainHeroic App access
- Video demos for all exercises
-2 strength workouts/week (45 minutes in length)
-2 mobility programs a week to optimize recovery
Equipment: (Amazon Links)
-Perform Better Mini Bands, Power band, Heel wedges (optional), Step up box or bench, Dumb bells, Bosu Ball, Orb Ball
1 year after date of purchase through TrainHeroic app.
Each workout has a general recommended weight (light-moderate-heavy) based on perceived effort. Keep in mind, if you do strength training after a hard interval workout, your perceived effort can be higher even when lifting slightly lighter weights. General rule, strength training should complement running and not take away from it. Log your weights on the app and progress accordingly.
Generally, strength train on workout days to keep easy days as true recovery days. If you choose this route, I recommend separating your run & lift by a few hours to allow recovery.
There’s nothing wrong with this method, but it depends on how sore you get the day after you lift. If you have a hard workout the next day, you can modify the strength workout by using slightly lighter weight than you normal would. Some is better than none! There are still benefits of doing most of the workout.
Regular communication and feedback is not included. If you have specific questions about equipment, the program, etc. please email me.
Yes; if you purchased the program in advance, you can still set a different start date. Please view details here
The equipment used for each program is listed for you at the time of purchase. For the beginner’s home strength, the list of items are essential items you should have at home anyway. For the advanced gym program, it will require more equipment and having access to a gym is helpful.
The mobility exercises help you improve range of motion. This does not need to be done on a specific day. You can do it really on any day, as much as you want to! It’s designed to make sure you roll out each muscle group at least once a week. If, for example, your calves are barking at you during training, then you should do it more frequently than the program suggests.